List of active policies

Name Type User consent
Disclosure Statement Site policy All users


Once you've reviewed and agreed to the disclosure statement, you can continue your learning journey with us.

Full policy

Any information I disclose during training will be kept confidential, unless there is any threat/danger – imminent or immediate - to tamariki or others. I understand I will be informed of any concerns and intention to notify others should this arise.

I will respect the confidentiality of the group I am with and will not share information with others.

This programme may raise some personal issues for me. If this occurs, I will inform my trainer/coach who will help me get the right supports to manage these issues.

I understand that I can follow the Oranga Tamariki complaint process if I have concerns or are unhappy with any aspect of my involvement in the programme.

To continue please agree with the disclosure statement.

If you have any questions or concerns about the disclosure statement, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at